Funny Wild Turkeys Go to Pharmacy for Medicine

While Carl the Kenosha turkey has become a local celebrity, an avian expert said that wild turkeys taking up roost in urban areas is far from uncommon. And, while it may differ depending on the bird, they are unlikely to be a danger to residents.

Anna Pidgeon, a professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison College of Agricultural & Life Sciences, said that wild turkeys, once native to Wisconsin, had to be reintroduced to the state in the 1970s after overhunting drove the bird out. Soon, the population took off.

"Thirty years ago I would have told you their habitat would have been Southern Wisconsin," Pidgeon said. Today, the wild turkeys can be found in every county, and have even expanded into towns and neighborhoods.

"They've moved into urban areas because they've learned over time they don't get persecuted," Pidgeon said.

Personalities differ

Pidgeon said that wild turkeys, even the male Tom turkeys, aren't usually a danger to humans, but some can have a bad attitude.

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"Just like people, different turkeys have different personalities," Pidgeon said. "There's really almost no potential harm from Tom, or male, turkeys."

Pidgeon said the reports of Carl attacking his reflection meant he felt he had to keep away potential competitors, something that will become more of a concern during the spring mating season.

"Apparently your turkey has learned wherever it roosts at night is a safe place," Pidgeon said.

According to Pidgeon, wild turkeys are attracted to oak trees, which drop nutritious acorns, and bird feeders. If people want to encourage wild turkeys to come into their yards, Pidgeon said any bird seeds or dried corn would work.

"Many people want to attract them," Pidgeon said, "It feels special."

Pidgeon warned, however, that families with small children should consider the risks.

"If you start encouraging, you'll start to have more and more of them," Pidgeon said.


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