Can You Ride a Horse With Stifle Problems
If information technology seems like you've been hearing more about equus caballus stifles lately, it'south because you lot probably have. This hind limb joint—one of the largest and well-nigh complex in the horse's entire body–has been the subject area of increased attention from researchers, joint specialists and front-line field veterinarians in recent years. The stifle is the "information technology" joint right now, and with expert reason.

"With advances in imaging technology, it'due south easier than it has ever been to diagnose and care for the issues that arise in the stifle," says David Frisbie, DVM, PhD, of Colorado Land University. "Xx years ago nobody really blocked stifles (for diagnostics), and up until about 10 years agone nobody really bothered treating them. Unless you were a surgeon and willing to open up them up and look around, you simply didn't feel like there were many viable options."
At present, nevertheless, stifles aren't nigh equally vexing. "Nosotros've simply gotten so much better at dealing with them," says Gary Baxter, VMD, MS, of the University of Georgia. "And every bit a result, more veterinarians are willing to go looking. You may be hearing more than about stifle lameness lately, but information technology'south not because more horses have stifle injuries. It's just that we are better able to recognize and diagnose the problem and initiate treatment. Before, these horses would have an 'unknown' lameness."
These advances in diagnostic and treatment techniques are self-perpetuating every bit they inspire and allow inquisitive researchers to learn even more than. "It may sound light-headed, but the stifle is exciting," says Frisbie. "We know and then much about the other joints that they are kind of dull and routine now. And when things are boring and routine, we move on to the side by side large adventure, and currently—for veterinarians and surgeons like myself—that's the stifle."
Sum of the parts
Although horsemen refer to the stifle as if it were a single joint, it'south actually a three-for-one bargain with lots of extras thrown in. Wrapping your listen around the anatomy of the stifle joint can take a few minutes, only it'southward important for agreement the diagnostic and handling challenges it presents.
The stifle is the surface area where the tibia, the bone that forms the gaskin, meets the femur, the os that extends upwards to the hip. The stifle is coordinating to the human genu: When yous option upwardly a horse'due south hind leg, the joint bends forward, merely as your knee does as you lot climb a staircase.
Looking at the bones themselves, y'all'll run across things become a bit more complicated. In that location is a large cleft—called a "septum"—in the lower end of the femur where it meets the upper cease of the tibia. This cleft creates 2 singled-out joints at that junction. These joints are correct next to each other and flex in the same direction and at the same time, so functionally they appear to be one. The innermost of these is called the "medial femoral tibial joint" and the outer one is the "lateral femoral tibial joint."
Sitting in each of these femoral tibial joints is a structure called a meniscus—2 menisci per stifle. These thick pads of fibrocartilage are "much stronger than regular cartilage," says Baxter. "They are more like a combination of cartilage and ligament tissue together." Menisci disperse the horse's body weight throughout the joint and reduce friction equally the horse moves.
"You can remember of each meniscus equally shaped sort of like a teacup," explains Frisbie. "The bottom side of the teacup sits on the tibia and the rounded end of the femur sits inside the cup. The meniscus holds the femur in place while helping it glide as the joint flexes. If you understand the office of brawl bearings in mechanics, it's very like to that."
The third articulation of the stifle is formed at the meeting of the patella (coordinating to the human kneecap) and the bottom of the femur bone. "I call back of the patella joint as the 'forepart' stifle joint and the femoral tibial joints as the two 'behind' information technology, fifty-fifty though they aren't exactly aligned," says Baxter.

The patella articulation isn't particularly mobile, but it allows the shield-shaped os to "float" above the femur, protecting information technology and—well-nigh important—acting as an anchor signal for the three patellar ligaments: The "medial patellar ligament" is on the within of the joint; the "heart patellar ligament" runs downwardly the confront of the joint, and the "lateral patellar ligament" is on the outside. These ligaments adhere the patella to the tibia, the lower bone of the stifle. If y'all're familiar with the condition known as "sticking" or "locking" stifles, technically chosen "upwardly fixation of the patella," you're familiar with how circuitous and choosy this organisation of basic and ligaments tin can be.
Click hither to read about research into treatment of locking stifles.
2 other short, thick ligaments—the medial and lateral collateral ligaments—bring together the femur and tibia bones on the outside edges of the joint. Two more ligaments, cached deep in the crack area, are the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments. These aid to stabilize the joint as the horse works.
Add to this drove of bones, ligaments and menisci the fluids and cartilage plant in other joints, and y'all've got 1 of the most complex areas in the equine trunk. "The stifle is a highly mobile, weight-begetting articulation," says Baxter. "Information technology has lots of components that all accept to work together seamlessly with each footstep. The only other surface area that might exist as complex, musculoskeletally speaking, is the shoulder."
The stifle joint is designed for a limited type of motion, and problems arise when it moves in other directions. "The way the stifle joints are set upward, the beefcake and geometry are optimized for going backward and forward, not side to side," says Frisbie. "When things start moving sideways or twisting, you showtime to get injuries, both acute and chronic."
A horse's job description greatly influences his risk of stifle injury. "Disciplines where you run into more sideways motion, like cutting, will take more stifle injuries as a result," says Frisbie. "Horses who jump a lot tin as well take stifle injuries considering of the forces involved in pushing upwardly and over a large fence, particularly on ground that might be slick. There was a demographic paper that reported that some xl percent of horses who result take some type of stifle issue. I'd say that horses in Western functioning disciplines are likely on par with that or higher."
But any horse can hurt a stifle. "A equus caballus could certainly slip in the paddock while playing and pull a ligament," says Baxter. "And years of riding and concussion of any type can take a toll on the joint, leading to arthritis, which is merely a long-term chronic injury."
Diagnostic advances
Stifle injuries can be difficult to find. Unlike a hoof abscess or a bowed tendon, stifle problems don't have a "tell" as reliable every bit a distinct head bob or limp. "Y'all tin can sometimes see it in how they conduct weight in the stance and push-off phase of a stride," says Frisbie. "The horse may drop down or 'requite' in the stifle equally that limb bears weight." But, he says, that'due south non always reliable.
"Just the other twenty-four hours I saw a equus caballus where the trainer, who was a very skilled professional, told me, 'It feels like a stifle problem,'" he continues. "And when I saw the equus caballus move, I idea, 'Yeah, that looks like a stifle problem.' But then the horse blocked out audio in an entirely dissimilar joint. In that location are some rules of thumb just no articulate hallmarks of stifle lameness."
Baxter adds that what appears to be a behavior or training issue might actually be stifle lameness. "At that place are some stifle problems that, early, show up only as the horse being reluctant to work," he says. "I've seen some younger horses with hurting stifles that aren't willing to turn as quickly and sharply every bit they did before."
Investigating a suspected stifle injury will brainstorm with a visual exam. "Acute stifle injuries are usually going to have some effusion [swelling] associated with them," says Baxter. "Information technology's not something an owner might notice, but if you've seen enough and know where to expect, it's something you can ofttimes spot correct away."
Whether an injury to the stifle involves bone, ligament, meniscus or other structures, chances are it's on the within of the limb. "This is a event of how the horse bears weight on the entire limb, not necessarily specific to the stifle," says Baxter. "In general, anytime you have a problem in whatsoever limb joint—pastern arthritis or bog spavin in the hock—it's more likely on the medial side."
After an initial visual exam, flexion tests and watching the horse move in-hand and perhaps under saddle, a veterinarian who suspects a stifle injury may "block" that area with a numbing amanuensis. "Personally, I'll block all iii joints at the same time," says Frisbie. "Then, if the equus caballus goes sound, I know it's that area, and I'll utilize imaging to wait closer. If I don't see anything with imaging, I'll get back and get-go blocking each of the joints in the stifle one at a time."
The difficulty in blocking individual joints, Frisbie explains, is that they can "communicate" with each other, so blocking one can affect the other two. "You can never be 100 percentage certain you've isolated information technology to just one joint," he says. "Even when you await surgically, it'due south not e'er clear where the event is."
After blocking a joint, a veterinarian will turn to imaging applied science, using radiographs, ultrasound or both in the suspected areas. "Some areas of the joint yous tin can see radiographically, others are improve seen with ultrasound, so veterinarians volition often use some combination of the ii, looking for anything unusual," says Baxter. "Of class, radiography is primarily going to show you lot bone issues and the ultrasound volition bear witness you soft tissue, so that'south also a consideration."
The influence of improved ultrasound technology on the direction of stifle injuries has been profound. "Our ability to make a definitive diagnosis of stifle injuries without surgery has really emerged only in the past decade," says Frisbie. "Advances in ultrasound account for much of that."
If, after radiographs and ultrasound are done, the veterinary still wants a closer look, arthroscopy is an option. In this diagnostic procedure, a small camera attached to a flexible tube is inserted into the joint expanse and transmits images to a monitor. "Y'all tin can run into quite a bit," says Baxter. "And certain areas of the stifle, like the cruciate ligaments, tin be seen best with arthroscopy."
Conventional arthroscopy qualifies as surgery, requiring that the equus caballus be anesthetized and leaving incisions backside to heal. A new development, yet, is needle arthroscopy, which uses a scope that is the width of a hypodermic needle. "I started using this scope on stifles about three years ago," says Frisbie. "Now I can look around inside these horses while they are notwithstanding standing and see injuries that aren't yet visible on radiographs. It's opening upwardly a whole new realm of diagnosing horses early, while the changes to the articulation are less astringent and much more manageable."
Treating common injuries
Using all of these diagnostic techniques, a veterinarian can—in most cases—make a definitive diagnosis of a stifle injury. "Information technology's always improve to know what the problem is," says Baxter. "We might not always be able to fix it, but you can't even try if you don't have a diagnosis." Here are just a few of the possible causes of stifle lameness:
Meniscal tears, normally caused past shearing and twisting forces, are one of the more common acute injuries of the stifle. The meniscus itself can tear, or the ligament that attaches it to the tibia tin tear, or both.
"Much of the seriousness of the injury is related to how badly damaged the meniscus is," says Baxter. "A truthful tear can cause considerable lameness. At the other end of the spectrum, a petty fraying of the meniscus may non cause much of a problem in terms of lameness."
The location of the tear on the meniscus itself too influences the severity of injury and prognosis. "If the tear is in an area you tin can access surgically, you may be able to get in and debride whatever frayed areas or even suture it back together," says Baxter. "But if the injury is under the condyle of the bone, yous may not be able to come across it, much less reach it for treatment." Of course, rest and anti-inflammatory medications can aid, but menisci typically don't heal well on their ain. If the horse has had repeated injuries, the prognosis for long-term soundness without more therapeutic intervention is very guarded.
That said, modern stalk prison cell therapy is healing meniscal injuries that just a few years ago would have been considered hopeless, says Frisbie. "The largest set of horses that accept been reported on had a 6 pct take a chance of going dorsum to work with a severe or grade 3 meniscal tear after surgery alone. This number has been increased two to four times with the addition of stem cell therapy in conjunction with the surgery," he says. Strained or torn ligaments around the stifle aren't most equally common in horses equally you might expect. "Y'all hear of professional athletes—football players especially—tearing through their cruciate ligaments on a single bad play. That's the dreaded 'ACL' injury that can end a career," says Frisbie. "Horses aren't as probable to injure that ligament so dramatically, simply then once more, nosotros don't play contact sports with horses."
Your experience with dogs may not be applicable either: "In dogs [ACL injuries] tin be degenerative, with partial tears, but nosotros haven't recognized that type of injury in horses. I'one thousand non proverb information technology can't happen, but it's definitely not as common," says Baxter.
There are, however, ways horses can hurt one of the many other ligaments of the stifle, such as the collateral ligaments. "If a horse gets its foot defenseless, this can cause a severe traumatic injury, pulling those ligaments," says Baxter. "The collateral ligaments are very stout, and if they are significantly injured y'all can generally diagnose this either with a physical exam or ultrasound."
Treating ligament injuries in the stifle is similar to how they would exist managed elsewhere in the body. "Rest, anti-inflammatory medications and maybe stalk cells if nosotros can locate and access the damaged area," says Frisbie. "These are all things we tin attempt, and if we've caught information technology early and the injury isn't too severe, they might work, and the equus caballus doesn't look back."
Arthritis can develop in the stifle, just as it does in any other joint in the body. One of the earliest signs of this degenerative disease may be subtle lameness combined with osteophytes seen on stifle radiographs. With chronic arthritis, subchondral bone cysts—pockets of fluid/soft tissue that class in the bone underneath the cartilage—tin develop in weight-bearing areas of the joint. "These develop from concussive forces," says Baxter. "In that location are many reported methods of treating these cysts, merely the problem is they don't tend to fill in with normal bone. If you take out the contents surgically, you've taken out cartilage forth the joint, and in a weight-begetting articulation similar the stifle, that can cause problems. Some horses do OK, but they generally don't do too as nosotros'd like."
Other treatment options for bone cysts include creating microfractures at the site to encourage the body to heal the area, steroid injections into the cyst and even filling the defects in with bone cells and biologics in the hopes they will regenerate a new surface. "Generally, all of these tend to work best in younger animals," says Baxter. "Traumatic injuries that are older—like arthritis tends to be—are less responsive."
Supplements, anti-inflammatories and injections can help control arthritis of the stifle as they would in any other articulation, simply Baxter doesn't mince words when it comes to the long-term prognosis. "I recollect, in general, arthritis in the stifle is tough. It'southward tough in any joint, merely the weight-bearing surface of the medial femoral tibial joint—where arthritis is likely to develop—is one of the largest surface areas in the horse'southward body. We tin inject the stifle like nosotros do any joint, and nosotros do that often. Information technology's merely less likely that we will run into the results we want."
Overall, says Baxter, the prognosis for minor and even moderate stifle injuries is expert if they are recognized early. "Horses are usually pretty good at telling united states when they have a problem with their stifles. It would be very unusual for a horse to accept a major event with no outward indications like swelling or lameness. And so if we pay attending, nosotros can grab them early."
An early diagnosis calls for early intervention, says Frisbie. "If I had i criticism information technology would be that we, surgeons and veterinarians, yet tend to not work on stifles on a first-line footing. Nosotros tend to inject and residue for half-dozen months to a year, hoping it will aid. The trouble is, if it doesn't, nosotros've at present got an older, more than chronic injury to contend with, and that's much more hard. Nosotros should non only treat but diagnose the trouble as early every bit possible."
If the stifle joint is an unexplored borderland in equine joints, information technology won't be for long. As curious veterinarians embrace the latest technologies, what was once a daunting proposition—diagnosing and treating injuries to the joint—is becoming doable, and peradventure ane day, fifty-fifty routine.
This article first appeared in EQUUS issue #439.
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